When it comes to traveling with children the first thing we hear is “good luck”! But is traveling with children really that difficult? Or is it all a matter of planning, practice, some patience and above all relax?
After all, it does not necessarily mean that you have to travel to the other side of the world, but rather, getting out of our comfort zone.
Therefore, traveling with children is a different experience, challenging for sure, but certainly very positive for everyone.
Although children may not remember the places they visited, at the moment, they will be happy and the good feelings will stay forever in their memories. The important thing is to talk about them and show photos of happy days in family.
Since we like to travel, why shouldn't we do it just because we have children?
After all, in any part of the world there are children!
What are the 10 commandments for traveling with children in a relaxed way?
1 – Organizar e Planear
In our case, we have never made very strict planning, because, let's face it, it never works.
I am a mother of twins and I know well that unforeseen events and tantrums are part of everyday life. So, on the road it will be no different.
Therefore, one of the most important issues is deciding the accommodation.
As we are a family of four, we have a preference for a “holiday home” over a hotel room as we prioritize privacy, convenience and space.
However, there are advantages and disadvantages to both. It's simply a matter of personal taste.
Regardless of what you choose, the most important thing is to check out the amenities that each one offers.
In addition, if the trip includes a flight, it is important to ensure transportation to the accommodation and vice versa. Likewise, it is important to check the existence of public transport near the accommodation, so that it is easier and cheaper to travel.
Similarly, you should plan the days with what you want to see/do, but do not forget the time to relax and the possible (almost certain) unforeseen situations.
2 – Find your “family rhythm”
Since, on a journey the rhythm of children differs from adults, the ideal will be to find what I call “family rhythm”. That is, when traveling with children we know that we have to make compromises, but we should not let the trip develop fully at their pace. A balance must be found.
In addition, one should not neglect the time of rest and play.
3 – Motivate the children.
Include your kids in your trip planning. Choose a destination and ask them for their opinion. Let them participate in the planning. Show them where they will be staying, what activities they will be able to do, what they can visit, etc. It is important that the destination arouses some interest in children. Share with them your expectations about the destination.
It is important that the destination chosen is minimally suitable for children. However, this does not mean that it is only for them.
4 – Plan “children's activities”
Children will accompany us to places that are not of interest to them. That is why it is also fair to include something that pleases them in our itinerary. For example, go to a playground.
Another tip is to “involve” the kids in visits that are somewhat "boring" to them. For example, if we go to a museum, we should make this visit more “fun”. Here our “parental creativity” has to come to the top. Asking what the colors of the drawings are, or what they see, or how many pictures we can find on the wall, etc. can make them spend time better while we enjoy our visit. For example, instead of renting a car the destination, why not go with a rental-car agency with some "unique"cars?
5 – Choose favourite toys
In the same way that we have “those” indispensable items, also children have them. In this case, they will most likely be their toys. Carrying their favorite toy is to ensure that they will feel happy and safe in the most boring or stressful moments. Let them choose which of the toys you want to take, without going overboard.
6 – Little luggage
Do not take more than the essentials. Unless you go to a very isolated place, you will surely be able to buy diapers, wipes, milks and porridge at the destination.
Another important issue is that you can always choose to wash your clothes at destination. Kids clothes are small, and you can easily wash them in the bathroom sink or in a self-service laundry.
If you want to find out how to make a handbag for 7 days read our article “Hand luggage for 7 a days trip. Is it possible? Reality or Myth?”
7 – Water and food are non-negotiable
Traveling with children is usually synonymous of traveling with the “heavy backpack”. No matter if you go to a city (with supermarkets every 10 meters) or to the middle of a mountain, hunger and thirst will always appear at the least appropriate times. Therefore, it is important to always pack water and snacks (biscuits, fruits, etc.) so that they do not become bored and angry kids. As the Snickers chocolate bar ad says, "You are not you, when you are hungry”.
8 – Carry a stroller.
In my experience, traveling with stroller has many advantages, but also some disadvantages.
The advantages are clearly, free transport on the plane, transportation of the kids on long walks and possibility of naps throughout the day.
On the other hand, the disadvantages are the difficulties of accessibility both on the roads and in public transport and the famous "escapes of children pushing the strolers".
However, as long as they are small, the stroler is our greatest ally
9 – Buy travel insurance
Traveling without travel insurance is practically unthinkable, especially when it comes to children. So to avoid unpleasant surprises, during your trip, you should always buy travel insurance according to your needs and destination.
By booking a travel insurance for your family Iati seguros you will save 5% of the price
10 – Enjoy the trip.
Finally, the most important thing will be to enjoy the trip with your family. Traveling allows you to create memories for life and further strengthen your family ties.